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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Battle City III Ranking Skirmishes begin!

On Saturday October 2nd, at 2pm FST (Central), Battle City III will host its first ranking skirmish.

These skirmishes are intended to be a system which Duelists can earn their own rankings based on their performance and statistics in the duels.

This skirmish will be Advanced Format and will attempt to have all duelists participate in an equal amount of games.

Certain statistics will be taken after each Duel, so participants should be prepared to record these statistics for the dream admins.

For additional information, visit the Battle City III Forum.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Character Roleplay Applications open & Super Expert Rules posted

Players waiting to apply their character for the Battle City III RP may now do so in Character Application Thread. In the thread are also posts which detail some guidelines about character creation, and the proper format for character applications.

Furthermore, the Super Expert Rules guidelines have been posted as well! This rule-set based on the rules used in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Manga during Battle City will be used for all roleplay duels conducted in Battle City III.

It's time to read up, start practicing, and put together some interesting characters with your friends (and rivals)!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kaiba Corporation Research and Development

Now Duelists have access to a third area in which to battle with the addition of the Kaiba Corporation Research and Development - Collectible Card Games Division Room!

Seen in both Volume 10 and Episode 54, this is the room in which the final test of the Duel Disk Mark II was performed, along with Kaiba's first use of the Egyptian God Card, The God of The Obelisk.

Now, Duelists can play out their own memorable battles in this high-tech environment!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Battle City III Blog launches!

Here it is, the official blog for Furcadia's Battle City III Yu-Gi-Oh! Dueling Dream. Major updates to the dream and dream specific news will be posted here from time to time! Also, don't forget to check out the Battle City III Forum for other information, discussions and roleplay!